Stella Blue a Mainship 400 Trawler |
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Flybridge Swivel ChairsBob Ackley from Pensacola FL sent in this modification. He added 2 more swivel chairs on the flybridge for the comfort of his guests and to give them a better view. Sitting in the original seats each side of the helm, makes viewing ahead very difficult. Here's how he addressed it. Enclosed is the picture of my bridge. This was taken as I was battening down for a hurricane last year.
The seats were mounted on off white starboard which was, in turn, screwed to the existing horizontal surface. The chairs are the same as the original helm chair and the posts are purposely different heights allowing for some tuning of the final height. We had our canvas guy make some large pockets that are snapped into the tranverse walls that were the original seat backs (the original cushions have been removed) . These are used for a wastebasket (port) and as a place for the instrument covers, charts, etc. to live (stbd).We have been extremely happy with this mod and are aware of no downside.Bob Ackley |