Stella Blue a Mainship 400 Trawler |
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http://scyr.org/stellablue/index.php Welcome to Stella Blue web site! Stella Blue is a 2003 Mainship 400 Trawler owned by Steve & Lisa Cyr. I've constructed this site to share our Stella Blue experience with family, friends, fellow Mainshippers, and any one else interested in these boats. The information on my website, pertains to Stella Blue, and is not intended to represent any other boats built by the Mainship corporation. With that in mind, freinds and fellow Mainshippers are more than welcome to peruse this site and enjoy. We have had Stella Blue for over 5 years now. I have been reporting on our experiences with this boat. We really love this boat, but like any production boat, there is always room for improvement. I have put together in these pages, useful information I have gathered from various sources, some of which was contributed by other owners of this same model, to share with other 400 owners. The amount of information has become unwieldly and difficult to navigate using the sidebar links. The addition of the dropdown menu system should make the site much more navigable. This menu is still under construction, but is usable for limited access. All information on the site will eventually be accessible using the drop down menu in the near future. All pages have been divided into basic categories under this menu system. "The Yacht" category has to do with all things related to the hull, structures, layout, performance, and so on. "Mechanical" has to do with all things related to machinery, electrical, plumbing, and various systems. Anyway, you get the idea. Have fun browsing the sight and be sure to drop me a note with your comments. Comments may be sent to srcyr@sbcglobal.net Stella Blue is named for our first grand daughter. Stella Blue is also a Grateful Dead song. (Stella's parents are Grateful Dead fans.) Now you know the rest of the story. |